The Hair Growth Cycle

No matter the cause or type of hair loss, hair thinning or hair growth disorder the Hair Growth Cycle is always negatively affected.

Therefore, being aware of the different stages and progression of the Hair Growth Cycle is crucial for successfully approaching any hair growth disorder.

The Normal Hair Growth Cycle

Described simply, the Hair Growth Cycle has three phases.

Click below to see the phases
Growth Phase
Transition Phase
Resting Phase

Growth Phase

Transition Phase

Resting Phase

Growth Phase
Transition Phase
Resting Phase
This is the phase in which 85-90% of hair is actively growing at any given time. This phase lasts 2-3 years on average but can be longer – in fact up to 6 years.
This is the phase in which the hair’s nutrient vessel, the dermal papilla, disconnects from the follicle as the Growth Phase comes to an end. Approximately 1% of hair is in this phase for a period of 1-2 weeks only.
The Resting Phase in which 10-15% of hair sits inactive in the follicle after reaching its full growth potential. The average duration of this phase is 3-4 months, after which the hair is released from the follicle and replaced by a new hair. The follicle then returns to begin a new Growth Phase, thereby completing the cycle.

Follicular Proteoglycans’ Role During the Normal Hair Growth Cycle

During normal Hair Growth Cycle, there are optimal thresholds at which specific proteoglycans exert their modulatory effect to ensure that balanced and normal healthy regulated cycling takes place in a timely fashion.

Normal Hair Growth Cycle

The Disrupted Hair Growth Cycle

Regardless of the hair loss cause, the Hair Growth Cycle is always negatively affected. This results in a disrupted Hair Growth Cycle. Often the following consequences occur:

Click below to see the phases
Reduced Growth Phase
Early Transition Phase
Prolonged Resting Phase

Reduced Growth Phase

Early Transition Phase

Prolonged Resting Phase

Growth Phase is reduced
Resting Phase becomes prolonged
The duration of the Growth Phase is reduced and consequently the entire Hair Growth Cycle becomes affected.
When the Growth Phase is reduced, the hair follicle enters the Transition Phase earlier than normal.
Over time, more hairs enter the Resting Phase prematurely, extending the normal duration of this phase and leading to increased hair shedding and weaker re-growth. Following a Prolonged Resting Phase, fewer hair follicles are induced back into the Growth Phase, resulting in no re-growth. This is known as a dormant (sleeping) hair follicle.

Follicular Proteoglycan Imbalance Contributes to Disrupting the Hair Growth Cycle

When the concentration of specific follicular proteoglycans is below a specific threshold, their reduced presence prevents the activation and modulation of the complex process of hair follicle growth. This unbalances normal healthy regulated Hair Growth Cycle. An extended period of dysregulation and a continuous ‘lower than normal’ concentration of proteoglycans causes follicular degradation – this is known as Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy.

Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy follows on from a period of Follicular Hypo-Glycania during which the specific follicular proteoglycans needed for normal healthy hair growth waste away; this prevents the activation and regulation of the complex process of hair follicle growth in stages.


Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy


Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy is the only clinically proven method to address Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy.

Normalising the Hair Growth Cycle

The goal of any treatment approach for hair loss and/or hair growth disruptions in women and men, no matter the cause and type, is to use a baseline approach that normalises and restores this disruption to a normal, healthy Hair Growth Cycle and replenishes the proteoglycans which have wasted away due to atrophy – without compromising safety and ease of use.

Normalising the Hair Growth Cycle

Return to Normal Growth Phase

Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy Works Actively with the Hair Growth Cycle

As Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy is the underlying aetiology for a disrupted Hair Growth Cycle and follicular miniaturisation, the pharmacologic enhancement of key proteoglycans’ content, and synthesis in and around the follicle, presents an attainable therapeutic target in treating both Female Pattern Hair Loss and Telogen Effluvium.

One available and safe method of increasing the concentration of specific hair follicle proteoglycans and normalising the Hair Growth Cycle is to orally administer bioavailable proteoglycans, referred to as Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy.

This targeted approach to addressing Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy counteracts any negative imbalance to the Hair Growth Cycle induced by Follicular Hypo-Glycania and has proven to be effective in treating female and male hair loss globally.

Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy is widely used as a monotherapy or as part of any multitherapy approach.

Learn more about Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy

Effect of Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy